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American Epic: Form and Experience WCIV2200 Course
Constructing the West WCIV3200 Course
Critical Connections: Indigenous Relationality and/in Place ABTS2060 Course
Critical Indigenous knowledges in a global context ABTS3030 Course
Critical Indigenous knowledges, thought and philosophy ABTS2020 Course
Cross-Cultural Humanities HUMN2200 Course
Emerging Critical Indigenous Methodologies ABTS3040 Course
Empire and its Critics WCIV2100 Course
European Enlightenments WCIV2000 Course
Exploring Indigenous Art, Film, Music and Literature Through Iconic Works ABTS2030 Course
Honours Research Thesis WCIV6996 Course
Honours Research Thesis WCIV6998 Course
Humanities and the Big Questions HUMN3100 Course
Humanities Honours Project 1 HUMN4200 Course
Humanities Honours Project 2 HUMN4201 Course
Icons of Western Art WCIV2600 Course
Independent Project in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies ABTS3080 Course
Independent Project in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies ABTS3050 Course
Indigenous Gender Matters ABTS2010 Course
Interdisciplinary Thinking HUMN1100 Course
Introduction to Aboriginal Studies ABTS1000 Course
Introduction to Torres Strait Islander Studies ABTS1010 Course
Jewish and Christian Works WCIV1100 Course
Masterclass- Advanced Research in the Humanities HUMN3300 Course
Perspectives in Humanities HUMN1201 Course
Practical Employability Experience PHSS2000 Course
Rights and Freedoms WCIV2900 Course
Shakespeare, Art and the Modern WCIV2300 Course
Situating Australia WCIV3100 Course
Sounding the West: Music and Cultures WCIV2500 Course
The Classical World WCIV1000 Course
The Critical Tradition WCIV2400 Course
The Rule of Law WCIV2800 Course
Western Civilisation Honours Seminar A WCIV6000 Course
Western Civilisation Honours Seminar B WCIV6200 Course
Western Political Thought WCIV2700 Course
Women and Gender: Historical and Contemporary Writings WCIV3000 Course
Working with Indigenous People ABTS3020 Course

Lists linked to Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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