Browse School

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Aboriginal Architecture ARCH3241 Course
Advanced Architectural Design: Architecture and Commerce ARCH7001 Course
Advanced Architectural Design: Adaptive Capacities ARCH7003 Course
Advanced Architectural Design: Dwelling and Density ARCH7004 Course
Advanced Architectural Design: Generative Structures ARCH7015 Course
Advanced Architectural Design: Institutions and Ideology ARCH7002 Course
Advanced Architectural Design: Landscapes and Architecture ARCH7005 Course
Advanced Architectural Design: Masterclass ARCH7007 Course
Advanced Built Environment Communication ARCH3130 Course
Advanced Planning Practice PLAN4100 Course
Architectural Communication 1 ARCH1160 Course
Architectural Design : Clients and Culture ARCH3100 Course
Architectural Design : Form and Space ARCH1100 Course
Architectural Design : Memory and History ARCH2200 Course
Architectural Design : Plan and Section ARCH1201 Course
Architectural Design : Site and Surface ARCH2100 Course
Architectural Design: Tectonics and Precision ARCH3200 Course
Architectural Practice: Business Management ARCH7031 Course
Architectural Practice: Construction BLDG7021 Course
Architectural Practice: Design ARCH7043 Course
Architectural Practice: Management ARCH7034 Course
Architectural Practice: Project Management ARCH7041 Course
Architectural Practice: Report ARCH7044 Course
Architectural Research: Community and Advocacy ARCH7093 Course
Architectural Research: Cross-Cultural Architecture ARCH7092 Course
Architectural Research: Design Processes ARCH7073 Course
Architectural Research: Environment and Sustainability ARCH7071 Course
Architectural Research: Heritage ARCH7082 Course
Architectural Research: History ARCH7081 Course
Architectural Research: Materials and Making ARCH7072 Course
Architectural Research: Theory and Criticism ARCH7083 Course
Architectural Research: Thesis ARCH7060 Course
Architectural Research: Thesis ARCH7063 Course
Architectural Research: Thesis ARCH7061 Course
Architectural Research: Urbanism ARCH7091 Course
Architecture Field Experience ARCH3341 Course
Architecture in Asia ARCH3141 Course
Architecture in Society ARCH2140 Course
Architecture in the Western Tradition ARCH1240 Course
Building Construction and Documentation BLDG2220 Course
Building Materials: Properties, Principles and Applications BLDG1220 Course
Building Science: Performance and Sustainability BLDG2120 Course
Building Structures and Envelopes BLDG3120 Course
Building Systems: Integration and Detailing BLDG3220 Course
Buildings in History and Culture ARCH1140 Course
Citymaking: Theory and Practice PLAN4001 Course
Citymaking: Theory and Practice PLAN7120 Course
Climate Futures and the Built Environment ARCH7033 Course
Community Participation in Planning PLAN3005 Course
Community Participation in Planning PLAN7121 Course
Contemporary Architecture ARCH7014 Course
Contemporary Urbanism UDAD7014 Course
Design for a Better World DSGN1500 Course
Design: Environment DSGN2200 Course
Design: Experience DSGN1200 Course
Design: Infrastructure DSGN3100 Course
Design: Interaction DSGN1100 Course
Design: Organisation DSGN2100 Course
Design: Systems DSGN3200 Course
Foundational Ideas for Planning PLAN1100 Course
Global South Cities: Development Planning Theory and Practice PLAN7612 Course
History of the Built Environment PLAN2005 Course
International Field Course: Understanding Development Complexities PLAN7200 Course
International Field Course: Understanding Development Complexities PLAN3200 Course
Introduction to Planning PLAN1001 Course
Masterclass UDAD7004 Course
Modern Architecture and the Metropolis ARCH2240 Course
Plan Making PLAN3000 Course
Plan Making PLAN7126 Course
Planning Industry Placement PLAN7130 Course
Planning Industry Placement PLAN4130 Course
Research Lab: Computation and Digitisation ARCH7075 Course
Research Lab: Culture and Place ARCH7094 Course
Research Lab: Environmental Performance ARCH7074 Course
Research Lab: History and Heritage ARCH7084 Course
Special Topics DSGN4000 Course
Special Topics in Architecture ARCH3342 Course
Teamwork and Negotiation for Planners PLAN1101 Course
The Global Metropolis PLAN7615 Course
The Planning Challenge PLAN1000 Course
Thesis PLAN4008 Course
Transport Planning PLAN2100 Course
Transport Planning PLAN7116 Course
Urban Design Theory and Practice PLAN7122 Course
Urban Design Theory and Practice PLAN2003 Course
Urban Design: Micro Urbanism UDAD7003 Course
Urban Design: Responsive Environments UDAD7016 Course
Urban Design: Urban Futures UDAD7006 Course
Urban Development and Design Research: Thesis UDAD7061 Course
Urban Development and Design Research: Thesis UDAD7060 Course

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