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"Adv. Phys. Activity for people with motor, sensory, cognitive or behav. impairments" EXMD7070 Course
"Prescription & Programming for Ageing, Obesity & Cancer" EXMD7741 Course
Advanced Exercise Physiology PHYL3732 Course
Advanced Nutrition Sciences NUTR3201 Course
Advanced Training Programs SPCG7028 Course
Applied Food Sciences for Dietetics DIET7104 Course
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology PSYC4000 Course
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology PSYC3000 Course
Applied Sport Psychology for Coaches SPCG6002 Course
Biomechanics BIOL1630 Course
Biomechanics BIOL2630 Course
Biophysical Development, Measurement and Assessment BIOL1900 Course
Case Studies in Sports Coaching SPCG7029 Course
Clinical Exercise Physiology Major Practicum: Cardiopulmonary/Metabolic Populations EXMD7315 Course
Clinical Exercise Physiology Major Practicum: Musculoskeletal/Neurological Populations EXMD7316 Course
Clinical Exercise Physiology Practicum A EXMD4701 Course
Clinical Exercise Physiology Practicum B EXMD4702 Course
Clinical Exercise Physiology Professional Skills EXMD7372 Course
Clinical Exercise Science for Sports Medicine 1 SPMD7005 Course
Contemporary Approaches to Teaching Movement EDUC2005 Course
Contemporary Issues in Coaching SPCG6000 Course
Contemporary Topics in Nutrition NUTR2050 Course
Data, Technology and Learning EDUC3013 Course
Developing the Elite Athlete SPCG7020 Course
Developing the Elite Athlete SPCG3343 Course
Directed Study HMST6903 Course
Directed Study SPCG7030 Course
Directed Study A HMST6965 Course
Directed Study B HMST7903 Course
Evidence Based Practice in Dietetics DIET7301 Course
Exercise for Healthy Populations Practicum HMST3001 Course
Exercise Physiology PHYL2730 Course
Exercise Prescription & Programming EXMD2362 Course
Exercise Prescription & Programming for Cardiorespiratory Disease EXMD4742 Course
Exercise Prescription & Programming for Musculoskeletal Conditions EXMD4740 Course
Exercise prescription and programming for cancer, mental health and older adults EXMD4741 Course
Exercise Prescription and Programming for Metabolic and Kidney Disease EXMD4743 Course
Exercise Science Professional Skills EXMD3372 Course
Exercise Science Technical Skills EXMD2382 Course
Exercise Science Technical Skills EXMD7382 Course
First Nations Studies HMST3191 Course
Food from science to systems DIET7107 Course
From Playground to Podium: Critical Analysis of Sporting Issues HMST2190 Course
Health & Fitness Through Diet & Exercise NUTR1023 Course
Health Education in Schools EDUC2009 Course
Health Promotion: Perspectives & Practice HPRM3000 Course
High Performance Program Management for Coaches SPCG7022 Course
History of Sport & Physical Activity in Australian Society HIST3002 Course
Honours Research Thesis HMST6002 Course
Honours Research Thesis HMST6001 Course
HPE Curriculum and Assessment Studies EDUC3008 Course
Individual Research Project HMST4925 Course
Inquiry Based Pedagogies EDUC3006 Course
Interviewing & Counselling for Dietetics Practice DIET7103 Course
Introduction to Health Promotion Principles & Strategies HPRM1100 Course
Junior Science EDUC3250 Course
Junior Science in Action EDUC3293 Course
Leadership and Research in Health & Physical Education EDUC4006 Course
Leadership, Innovation and Research in HPE EDUC4004 Course
Literacy and Numeracy EDUC2010 Course
Lower Limb and Lumbar Region Injuries in Sport Medicine SPMD7004 Course
Major Practicum (Exercise and Sports Science) HMST4314 Course
Major Practicum (Sports Performance) HMST4315 Course
Major Professional Experience EDUC4005 Course
Management, Entrepreneurial Skills and Leadership for Dietetic Professionals DIET7203 Course
Medical Nutrition Therapy and Professional Practice 1 DIET7101 Course
Medical Nutrition Therapy and Professional Practice 2 DIET7201 Course
Medical Nutrition Therapy and Professional Practice 2 and 3 DIET7205 Course
Motor Control & Learning NEUR2530 Course
Movement and Performance Analysis SPCG6001 Course
Neuromechanical Basis of Human Movement NEUR3733 Course
Nutrition & Exercise NUTR3000 Course
Nutrition Science NUTR2101 Course
Nutrition, Sport and Physical Activity Management - Industry Placement HMST3103 Course
P-10 Health and Physical Education Curriculum EDUC2012 Course
Performance Psychology for Coaches SPCG7023 Course
Physical Activity & Health HPRM1000 Course
Physical Activity and Sports in Schools EDUC2011 Course
Physical Activity for People with Motor, Sensory, Cognitive or Behavioural Impairments EXMD3070 Course
Playing on the Big Stage: Histories of the Olympics and Paralympics HIST3003 Course
Prescription & Programming for Cardiorespiratory Disease EXMD7742 Course
Prescription & Programming for Healthy Individuals EXMD7362 Course
Prescription & Programming for Musculoskeletal Conditions EXMD7740 Course
Principles and Practice 1 DIET7105 Course
Principles and Practice 2 DIET7106 Course
Principles of Sports Medicine SPMD7001 Course
Professional Practice 1 DIET7204 Course
Professional Practice 2 DIET7303 Course
Professional Practice 3 DIET7102 Course
Professional Practice 4 DIET7202 Course
Professional Practice 5 DIET7304 Course
Promoting Health through Physical Activity, Exercise and Diet HPRM2000 Course
Promoting Physical Activity & Health HPRM3001 Course
Psychology of Sport, Physical Activity and Health PSYC2000 Course
Quality Coaching: Action Research Project SPCG7027 Course
Quality Coaching: Understanding, Informing and Advancing Practice SPCG6027 Course
Quality Coaching: Understanding, Informing and Advancing Practice SPCG3027 Course
Recovery & Nutrition for Elite Athlete NUTR7009 Course
Research in Teaching HMST3845 Course
Research Project DIET7302 Course
Research Project DIET7109 Course
Research Project in Sports Medicine SPMD7009 Course
Research Skills HMST3846 Course
Research Skills HMST7846 Course
Research Skills HMST6846 Course
Senior Biology EDUC3251 Course
Senior Curriculum Studies EDUC3012 Course
Socio-Cultural Foundations of Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity HMST1910 Course
Sociology of Sport SOCY2280 Course
Special Groups in Sports Medicine SPMD7002 Course
Sport and Health in Society and Culture HMST3190 Course
Sport Coaching: Learning, Talent and Performance SPCG1000 Course
Sport Science (Anatomy, Biomechanics, Physiology) PHYL6000 Course
Sports Leadership in Diverse Communities SPCG4000 Course
Sports Medicine of Physical Activity SPMD3052 Course
Sports Nutrition NUTR4000 Course
Sports Technology, Analytics and Entrepreneurship HMST3000 Course
Supportive Learning Environments EDUC3004 Course
Supportive Learning Environments EDUC2004 Course
Teaching Games and Sport EDUC2003 Course
Technology, HPE and Sport EDUC3010 Course
Thesis SPCG7031 Course
Thesis SPCG7018 Course
Upper Limb, Head, Neck and Trunk Sport Injuries SPMD7003 Course
Youth, Sport and Physical Culture EDUC3011 Course

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