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"Body, Fashion & Consumption in History" HIST2611 Course
"Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Hong Kong & Taiwan since 1949" HIST2101 Course
"History of Medicine, Science and the Body" HIST2030 Course
"The idea of the sacred: texts, places and festivals" RELN2000 Course
A History of Hinduism in India and Beyond: ritual, yoga, freedom RELN2300 Course
Advanced Analysis of Scientific Data STAT1301 Course
Advanced Greek 1 GREK3001 Course
Advanced Greek 2 GREK3002 Course
Advanced Latin 1 LATN3001 Course
Advanced Latin 2 LATN3002 Course
Advanced Logic PHIL3110 Course
Advanced Study of Religious Texts A RELN3500 Course
Advanced Study of Religious Texts B RELN3501 Course
Advanced Topics in Moral & Political Philosophy PHIL3630 Course
Age of Crusades HIST2615 Course
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World ANCH2130 Course
Ancient Art and Archaeology ANCH2301 Course
Ancient Historiography ANCH6920 Course
Ancient History and Modern Cinema ANCH2500 Course
Ancient World Study Tour and Field School ANCH2050 Course
Art & Archaeology of Ancient Greece ANCH2290 Course
Art & Archaeology of Ancient Rome ANCH2270 Course
Australia in the 20th Century HIST2247 Course
Australians at War HIST2245 Course
Belief & Unbelief RELN1001 Course
Belief and Unbelief RELN3002 Course
Britain, Empire and the World HIST2417 Course
Buddhism: from India to the World RELN2301 Course
China: From Empire to Republic, 1500-1951 HIST2100 Course
Classics and Ancient History Museum Internship Program 2 WRIT3551 Course
Contemporary European Philosophy PHIL3620 Course
Coursework 1: Research Methods HUMN6600 Course
Coursework 2: Advanced Readings HUMN6601 Course
Crime and the Courts in the Ancient World ANCH3590 Course
Critical Reasoning (Graduate) PHIL7111 Course
Culture, Identity and Power in the Ancient World ANCH3570 Course
Documentary Evidence for Ancient History ANCH6900 Course
Economic Justice PHIL2750 Course
Effective Thinking and Writing WRIT1999 Course
Environmental Philosophy PHIL7221 Course
Environmental Philosophy PHIL2210 Course
European Social Philosophy PHIL2310 Course
Feminist Philosophy PHIL2190 Course
Formal Logic: an introduction to classical formal logic PHIL2110 Course
Gender Futures: Research in Action GEND3001 Course
Gender Matters GEND1010 Course
Genders & Cultures: Comparative Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity GEND2001 Course
Genocide in the Modern World HIST7405 Course
Germany from Hitler to Reunification (1933-1991) HIST2408 Course
Greek Guided Texts GREK6675 Course
Greek Honours Research Thesis GREK6700 Course
Greek Honours Research Thesis GREK6312 Course
Greek Honours Research Thesis GREK6311 Course
Greek Honours Research Thesis GREK6710 Course
Greek Language & Literature 2 GREK2240 Course
Greek Language and Literature 1 GREK2230 Course
Greek Language and Literature 2 GREK3000 Course
Greek Set Texts GREK6640 Course
History Honours Seminar HIST6690 Course
History Honours: Theory & Method HIST6680 Course
History in Action WRIT3613 Course
History in Popular Culture HIST3616 Course
History of Genocide HIST3301 Course
Honours Research Thesis HIST6701 Course
Honours Research Thesis RELN6003 Course
Honours Research Thesis HIST6900 Course
Honours Research Thesis RELN6004 Course
Honours Research Thesis HIST6910 Course
Honours Research Thesis ANCH6860 Course
Honours Research Thesis ANCH6850 Course
Honours Research Thesis PHIL6005 Course
Honours Research Thesis HIST6700 Course
Honours Research Thesis PHIL6310 Course
Honours Research Thesis PHIL6006 Course
Honours Research Thesis HUMN6900 Course
Honours Research Thesis HUMN6901 Course
Honours Research Thesis PHIL6300 Course
Human Origins and the Future of Humanity HIST2500 Course
Independent Study Unit RELN3001 Course
Individual Honours Study Unit 1 RELN6001 Course
Individual Honours Study Unit 2 RELN6002 Course
Individuals and the State in the Roman Republic ANCH2310 Course
Intermediate Greek GREK2120 Course
Intermediate Latin LATN2120 Course
Introduction to Critical Thinking PHIL1110 Course
Introduction to Ethics PHIL7113 Course
Introduction to Ethics PHIL1013 Course
Introduction to Logic (Graduate) PHIL7102 Course
Introduction to Philosophy: What is Philosophy? PHIL1002 Course
Introductory Greek GREK1110 Course
Introductory Latin LATN1110 Course
Introductory Philosophy PHIL7100 Course
Islam and Society RELN2307 Course
Japan and the World HIST2619 Course
Kant & European Philosophy PHIL2220 Course
Knowledge and Reality: Introductory Topics PHIL2000 Course
Latin Guided Texts LATN6270 Course
Latin Honours Research Thesis LATN6311 Course
Latin Honours Research Thesis LATN6312 Course
Latin Language & Literature 2 LATN2240 Course
Latin Language and Literature 1 LATN2230 Course
Latin Language and Literature 2 LATN3000 Course
Latin Set Texts LATN6140 Course
Legal & Ethical Principles in Health HLTH3000 Course
Masters Thesis I PHIL7990 Course
Masters Thesis II PHIL7991 Course
Medieval Heresy HIST2416 Course
Methodology of Studies in Religion RELN6000 Course
Mind and Cognition PHIL2050 Course
Mind and Language: Philosophical Perspectives PHIL2015 Course
Modern America HIST2023 Course
Modern Germany HIST2407 Course
Myth, Magic and Religion in the Ancient World ANCH2030 Course
Phenomenology & Existentialism PHIL2300 Course
Philosophy & Art PHIL2500 Course
Philosophy and Education PHIL2700 Course
Philosophy Honours Coursework 1 PHIL6003 Course
Philosophy Honours Coursework 2 PHIL6004 Course
Philosophy Honours Research Methods 2 PHIL6002 Course
Philosophy Honours Seminar 1 PHIL6007 Course
Philosophy Honours Seminar 2 PHIL6008 Course
Philosophy Today PHIL3002 Course
Playing God: Religion & Science RELN2115 Course
Political Philosophy and Applied Ethics PHIL2330 Course
Politics, Philosophy, Economics 4 PPES4101 Course
R.D. Milns Antiquities Museum International Internship and Field ANCH2900 Course
Re-imagining Healthcare CIDH7304 Course
Religion and Science RELN1115 Course
Religion, Peace and Violence RELN2310 Course
Religion, Society, and the Contemporary World RELN3000 Course
Religions, Spiritualities, and Non-Religion RELN1000 Course
Representation & Reality: The Philosophy of Language PHIL2010 Course
Research Design in Humanities HHSS6030 Course
Revolutions in History HIST2024 Course
Rise of Modern Philosophy PHIL2013 Course
Roman Society & Civilisation ANCH2280 Course
Set Theory & Mathematical Logic MATH3306 Course
Sociology of Religion RELN2117 Course
Sociology of Religion: Idea of the Sacred RELN3003 Course
Southeast Asia in the Modern World HIST2119 Course
Special Topic in Ancient Cultures ANCH3560 Course
Special Topic in Ancient History 1 ANCH3540 Course
Special Topic in Ancient History 2 ANCH3550 Course
Special Topic in Greek History ANCH3020 Course
Special Topic in Roman History ANCH3030 Course
Special Topics in Philosophy A PHIL3300 Course
Spirituality in the Everyday RELN2113 Course
Studying Ancient History: Research Seminar ANCH6910 Course
Technologies of Land Management LAND1125D Course
The Anatomy of a Super Power: the US since 1945 HIST2707 Course
The Australian Experience HIST1201 Course
The Bible: Narratives & Interpretations RELN2410 Course
The Career and Influence of Julius Caesar ANCH2250 Course
The City in History HIST3302 Course
The Crusades, Heresy and Witchcraft HIST2050 Course
The History Makers HIST2312 Course
The History of Sexuality HIST2603 Course
The History of the Supernatural RELN1510 Course
The Medieval and Early Modern World HIST1400 Course
The Medieval Mediterranean HIST2220 Course
The Modern History of East Asia HIST2040 Course
The Modern Middle East HIST2107 Course
The Radical Right & Fascism in Europe HIST2414 Course
The Rise of Ancient Greece: Greek History to the 4th Century BC ANCH1240 Course
The Rise of Ancient Rome: Roman History to the Death of Augustus ANCH1250 Course
The Roman Empire: Politics and Society ANCH2230 Course
The Roman Republic ANCH2320 Course
The World of Classical Athens: Politics and Society ANCH2040 Course
The World of Late Antiquity ANCH2431 Course
The World Since 1945 HIST3300 Course
Time, Change and Other Aspects of Being PHIL3612 Course
Trafficking Bodies from the Ancient World to the Present HIST3303 Course
Vikings: Raiders, Traders, Invaders HIST2015 Course
War and Society in the Twentieth Century HIST3005 Course
Western Religious Thought from the Middle Ages to the Present RELN2411 Course
Why Trust Science? PHIL2090 Course
Witchcraft & Demonology in Early Modern Europe & Its Colonies HIST2411 Course
World History: Global Connections HIST1601 Course
Writing Ancient History WRIT3100 Course

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